im back~ finally bek home TT
ytday went to LM CAMP><
actuali i shud back on wednesday but then.....
But then me n pau yee at bus kip put sunblock on our face/leg/hand
everybody looking at us O.O
some of our frens say us 'kua jiong'
Reach there adi then we have cooking competiiton
kesian pau yee have to help our ketua build fire..
Luckily im clever xD stay at the sheld cut the carrot/onions/etc
After 1.45hrs, the cooking competition ended..
we have to clean all the place
our dishes is like.... =S
only the egg can eat but too salty
but we've no choice
pau yee more worst == too hungry d
go eat the vege wif honey =X
Then we have another game..
Stupid committee.. A bit thing then nid pumping
think we're toys..
Ya Jing, Pau Yee, Lee Jia n Me sick ><
then Daphne, Siew Yee n a guy fall down..
so sad case weii~
One of the committee sumore scold us say come to camp is show our own ability
what kind of meaning is this laaa..
lots of ppl go there for fun n enjoy only lar..
Don't force us la.. we oso dont want to be committee ==
This morning, me n pau yee woke up WALIAO!
BACK PAIN- sit straightly then pain jor
LEG PAIN- cant even walk properly, exspacially walk down or upstairs
HAND PAIN- cant take any heavy things
SORETHROAT- now cant reli talk
pay rm150 to survive.. feel so stupid ==
we told each other.. 'This is the 1st n LAST time goin to camp'
No more 2nd time
-The End-