Have Lots of FUN ! Thanks Guyz =)
Well, woke up EARLY in the morning cause of MEZORS!!! 6/7sumthing woke me up TT
then before 8am she reached.. so *TIRED*
then my daddy n mummy bring us go eat breakfast..
after we out, jacky called me n say he reach my house.. SWT =="
then asked him to take his breakfast with his daddy first..
no longer.. pau yee reached again zzzzz..
ALL so early reach..
about half hrs later we went back.. i msg jacky then he say his food just served.. lol
after he eat only come..
when reached home, saw my grandma's car.. but not pau yee standing outside waiting..
i was wondering maybe my grandma let her in already..
hmmm... while waiting everyone come.. i play mezors's PSP haha~
but keep lose cuz of jacky n pau yee!! argh =="
about 9sumthin yip seng reached!
omg.. he grew TALL AGAIN!! aaaaaaaa~~~ im getting shorter n shorter.. TT
about 11sumthing.. jia qi n azah reached d..
then we keep our stuff n get ready to swim! xD
we go there by car @@ sumore the car actuali just can fit 5ppl..
but we could fit 8ppl inside LOL~ cool right?
after reaching.. julian reached there too..
then we walk to the swimming pool~
wow! its so sunny @@
before swim we put lots of sunblock LOL~
aftertht.. jacky took a tshirt in a cube shape..
he say if the tshirt cube throw in water the cube will bcome a normal tshirt..
we all is like 'wow'.. then i threw into the swimming pool..
we waited for so long.. but there's nothing =="
everybody is like 'dot dot dot'
then i ask them go down n take it back to pull it bcome a shirt..
but noone wants to get wet @@
that time i was like so dead.. everyone wants to push me into the pool ><
i surrender.. i jump in by myself lol~
then i pulled pauyee in.. haha!
aftertht jia qi pulled by julian
and he pulled by mezors..
then yip seng's turn! xD
really have lots of fun.. we played water balloon too xD
i kena throwed by everyone! T___T
after swimming mezors eat somthing at the cafe..
while waiting we play the snooker.. so funny
cuz noone knows how to play..
julian went back cant teach us..
yip seng forget how to play LOL
then we simply play..
10mins ltr yip remembered.. then he tought us..
now every1 noe how to play! teehee~
about 1pm we went back.. wen yi they all also reached my home..
the first thing i went back is to bath @@
have to entertain them >< so busy
after eating.. doraemon went back TT so fast*
others start getting ready to go 'Vegas' xD
about 3sumthing.. 'gray' reached my dad office lol
then i ask my grandma fetch me there to pick him up..
he wore so formal.. hahaa
but the most important thing is he give ppl ' tong shui yu'
from puchong to tmn bkt desa rm30 so kesian!
back home~~
everybody is busying make over lol~
im the last 1 to bath T_____T
then me n pau yee choose clothes for each other lol
about 5sumthing we go out...
15minutes ltr we reached 'Vegas'
SO COLD!! luckily julian brought his jacket xD
walked to the room~
saw suet ee they all start singing d..
then the first thing julian n yip seng do is play snooker.. LOL
mezors and 'grey' they all chiong k..
i helped them choose lots of songs xD
*abit bu shuang grey ==" *
because of some reason.. stupid one
we play until 11sumthing then have to back home TT
the first thing i reached home is to clean the hse @@
so messy! then asked julian n grey eat the biscuit tht left in the box
LOL! so pity @@
getting later n late everyone went back..
left lee jia, pau yee n grey
lee jia was playin grey's hp
me n pau yee talking n grey too
about 12sumthing lee jia also went back ><
pau yee stayed overnight so i dont have to worry her
but grey no transport back..
we kip help him think the way how he back home..
think think think~~~~~~~~
1.30am++ stil cant find any transport for him
we was freak'n TIRED!
then we kip scolding her..
if u noe how to drive, u wont be having problem wif the transport!
then asked her to stay overnight =="
FINALLY settled all.. then brush teeth n SLEEP! zZz
next day morning woke up at 8sumthin @@
dunno why cant slp longer..
go to my study room play computer..
stupid grey hak sei me =="
tickled my leg.. kns!
then pau yee woke up.. she so blur =="
talk talk talk until 12sumthing fetch grey to the bus stop..
after back home me n pau yee sleep again LOL
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Today went midvalley with my fren..
She supposed to buy birthday card for her dad only..
but then when we pass by all the shops, she cant controlled herself =="
we went to metrojaya/pdi/samuel&kelvin/adidas and others~
after finish window shopping.. we walked to MPH.. there's a MCKY shop nearby there..
OMG!!! we start going in and look this and that..
then we saw a 'formal shirt' nice weiiii~
but it worth ..... exspensive nia @@
i was planning to buy it as a birthday gift for my fren(A)..
but it suits my fren(B).. therefore i was thinking and thinking and thinking~~
then we see the sizes.. just left L and XL.. omg! too big weii..
we have no choice.. at last we leave the shop..
after buying her dad's birthday card..
we walked to MCKY again..
this time.. we ask the sales man(not over 21yrs old) to try it for us..
he was like 'huh????'
we were laughing all the way.. then he wore it..
WOW~ he's so skinny but L for him is not to small or big.. just nice..
then we were like.. 'uhhh.. my fren fatter than him abit lerh, XL mayb can fits him'
finally i bought it! i went to atm to take money.. aaaaaaaa~~~ no money d~~ T.T
me n my fren so sad TT rather buy the shirts for our frens than buy things for ourselves..
sumore the things we wanted it is like cheaper than the shirt A LOT!!!!
after buying it..
she follow me back to my hse..
we tried it haha~ so nice .. feeling like change the size to S and wear ourselves lol~
i took a pic of it.. check it out:
( L size )
he like pink @@ so i choosed this colour for him..
She supposed to buy birthday card for her dad only..
but then when we pass by all the shops, she cant controlled herself =="
we went to metrojaya/pdi/samuel&kelvin/adidas and others~
after finish window shopping.. we walked to MPH.. there's a MCKY shop nearby there..
OMG!!! we start going in and look this and that..
then we saw a 'formal shirt' nice weiiii~
but it worth ..... exspensive nia @@
i was planning to buy it as a birthday gift for my fren(A)..
but it suits my fren(B).. therefore i was thinking and thinking and thinking~~
then we see the sizes.. just left L and XL.. omg! too big weii..
we have no choice.. at last we leave the shop..
after buying her dad's birthday card..
we walked to MCKY again..
this time.. we ask the sales man(not over 21yrs old) to try it for us..
he was like 'huh????'
we were laughing all the way.. then he wore it..
WOW~ he's so skinny but L for him is not to small or big.. just nice..
then we were like.. 'uhhh.. my fren fatter than him abit lerh, XL mayb can fits him'
finally i bought it! i went to atm to take money.. aaaaaaaa~~~ no money d~~ T.T
me n my fren so sad TT rather buy the shirts for our frens than buy things for ourselves..
sumore the things we wanted it is like cheaper than the shirt A LOT!!!!
after buying it..
she follow me back to my hse..
we tried it haha~ so nice .. feeling like change the size to S and wear ourselves lol~
i took a pic of it.. check it out:

he like pink @@ so i choosed this colour for him..
actually i prefer this colour than white lar xD
curi curi wore it.. ahha~ nice to wear^^
but i look short TT
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