Just back from penang :)
1st DAY
woke up in the morning, wait YP, CW, PY come to my hse..afterthat went to have our breakfast together.. while going off, we saw the machine + we had coins.. everyone just turn 1 see wad we get.. afterthat, we start our journey.. can u imagine 4ppl sit bhind ~.~ that's so squishy! starting, is PY and me sit tgt and YP and CW tgt.. later is me, PY, YP and CW.. soon, YP me PY CW.. lolss.. we non-stop changing our place =X then we heard sumthg strange.. my mom stop bside the highway.. and yeah.. the car tires spoild @@

yeah saw it? we waited for 20mins, the lebuhraya people only come ><>
while woke up, we REACHED! first thg is to check the tyers
we walk to the opposite of the tyer shop
the shopping complex 'Kompar' is like sungei wang+south city @@
after done everythg we went to EAT!!!!!

haaaa.. we ate finish out food :P da bao the chicken wing too :)
7aumthg we only reach our hotel :]
just beside HardRock! ahaaa
after keeping our thgs inside the room, everyone bath..
later we walk to the lobby and see their swimming pool and blaaaa~
that time everywher is dark, only few lights
YP stil enjoying taking his photos.. exspecially take the coconut tree! ~.~
he damn funny sia.. he's the one who take, suddenly he scare himself. he say it's so creepy
we laugh him all the wayy :D

we walk to HardRock! ahaaaaaa.. they have DJ at the entrance.. we survey their swimming pool
damn nice laa ><><
7aumthg we only reach our hotel :]
just beside HardRock! ahaaa
after keeping our thgs inside the room, everyone bath..
later we walk to the lobby and see their swimming pool and blaaaa~
that time everywher is dark, only few lights
YP stil enjoying taking his photos.. exspecially take the coconut tree! ~.~
he damn funny sia.. he's the one who take, suddenly he scare himself. he say it's so creepy
we laugh him all the wayy :D

we walk to HardRock! ahaaaaaa.. they have DJ at the entrance.. we survey their swimming pool
damn nice laa ><><

we went to the grocery shop and buy some snacks and maggi mee :]
back to the hotel me CW YP cook the maggi mee and eat
finish eating, we play TRUTH or DARE!
it is so funNY! YP keep kena and make us laugh the whole night..
too bad i cant show the pics :[ promised.. haaaa
2nd DAY
woke up in the morning~ YP and CW the first one who wake up and bath :] then me and PY
we walk to the beach and take pics [ the pics still in my iphone ]
then we went to pasar have our breakfast :)

we bought fried chicken! :D very delicious~
then we went to TIMES SQUARE not the KL's one =|
its sooooooo EMPTY! >< we went to the shop like Giant, we bought the dye hair stuff xD, GASTBY mocha and LOREAL dark purple :P
then we go to the temple :)

10kechain dolls rm85?!! CRAZY =.= he stil say it is very cheap and blaaahhh~
sumore say see us malaysian, sell us RM30 -0-
we just walk away suddenly he drop the price like you fall from the condo =="
after buying soveniers from other shops
we went to eat :)

PY wanna take the sauce from the man but the doesn't noe how to speak chinese ><>
then we went back to hotel, we planned to swim but its too late, too bad
we walked to HardRock again and have a drink!
vodka skyyy and orang punch :) and the sofa is so cormfyyy =)

3rd and the LAST DAY
YP wake me PY and CW up :)
then we went for swimming~ xDDD

CW follow his daddy, therfore he today[18/3] only back
we took ferry back :D our very first time LOL

afterthat we went to petrol station, me and YP bought ice-cream and water :D
YP eat like a BABY! haaaaaa~ me and PY keep laugh at him, took many pichas too :P

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