Monday, December 28, 2009
christmas eve & PangkorIsland 3D2N
with few friends only but had lots of fun.
that MR.RAY sucks laaa!
promised us coming but then FFK AGAIN.. wth
ok fine! FFK nvm.. sumore tell me that he's going to eat turkey ==
then MR.HARRY also the same ==
eat turkey with his family
but atleast he's better, he asked us to jin him
but we feel bad laaa, cuz is his family day
no choice lor
go by ourselves
hmmm reached there about 8-9sumthing..
walk to lowyat cuz friend wanna buy pendrive..
but yet she din't any >< turkey ="(" now ="[" people ="=" again ="D" oso ="X" kena ="=" sumore ="=" only ="=" dickson ="X" hat ="D" camera ="X">SECOND DAY went out to the sea, take the speed boat
by that time kinda big waves.. very fun, abit like roller coaster =X
went for snockeling, but i nvr go larr im afraid of it LOL
then back to the resort, went to swim =)
really tired ><>THIRD DAY woke up 8sumthg pack our stuff eat our breakfast and go back =]
i found that the resort there not bad =) is a nice place to relax =]
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
times square
sorry for not updating.. feel so LAZYYYY
this morning woke up at 9sumthg, get ready have my breakfast (roti canai)
then...... my mum put me at the so called 'tun sanbanthan'? @@
i took monorail to time square..
actuali i dont consider late laa.. is he reach abit earlier than me.. that time stil early =)
therefore.. i'm stil consider early ahaa!
anyways, me and him waited for 'sky' and '33' for so long.. =="
we stand bside the baskin robins there and talk..
like solou and sorpoh =[
we almost stand for like 30mins-45mins then 'sky' reached!
hmmm, walk to NEWAY.. then tht time just 12.40pm++ we booked for 1pm..
we have to wait..... lalalalala *craping*
12.57pm : me, xiaobu 'sky' registered then walk in.. room 23 =) nice number
then i help them pick some songs.. xD
feel so funny =) later, 'fish' and 33 came.. 33 is LATE!!!! nevermind la~
then start ordering food drinks~ and lalala~
then [ UNO TIME ]
although i cant win.. but most kesian is xiaobu! he UNO lots of time but cant end..
until the 4th-6th round.. only END his GAME lols [xia sui]
hmmm.. [ bobo came ]!
she came from genting to time square bcoz of ME! rfrf~
actually she plan to come down at 4pm but i have to go back early..
so.. she decided to come down herself first! xD
aftertht [ chor dai D ] =D
Xiaobu really pity.. cant win =X [xia sui] again
PS: while xiaobu singing, idk why.. all mic also have prob one.. [xia sui] ==
4pm! its overrrr..
guess what ==" we met a bunch of ppl dat we don't really know la.. but stil can say know their names =X
one of them, who are close with us.. intro to us.. feel so weird =="
they sit opposite us.. is like.. they pointing at us whispering, we looking at them like 'who is who har?' lols!
finish eating i back ler, took pics wif bobo.. then wif group of frens.. =)
and AGAIN~ monorail-bus-walk home =)
ohyeah! today the conclusion : XIAOBU!!!! byk xia sui =X =X =X =X =X =X oops*
Thursday, December 17, 2009
the last day of my sweet16 =[
i felt that i had wasted lots of time in this year.. sighz
nvr concentrate on my studies.. everyday just sit infront of my computer and my tv..
aww man, i really regret alot
next yr gonna spm huh, i dunno how am i going to take the exam ==
form4 syllabus i also dont know, how am i going to study for my form 5 lessons.. *shit*
hmmmmm.. recently i really need a tuition teacher who can teach me the whole form4 syllabus again, and i hope i can rush it..
these days really bored.. everyday stay at home/ dad's office, just online and gaming. wth
i'm really addicted to this things man =[
what should i do? aiks
btw, mayb tmr going somewhere again.. SEE! i really enjoying my holidays, but comes to 2010 I'M SO DEAD!
anyone could help me out? tsk tsk
Monday, December 7, 2009
3.12 - 4.12
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
we watched 2012 in the morning lols.. 10.45am @@
every1 reach there b4 10.15 lolz~
it's a nice movie =) i like it hee~ (thumbs up)
you must watch it too.. u'll never regret ;)
maybe gonna watch it again with others friends.. ahaaa~
ciaoz! tired+headache @@"
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
me and my friend bought a sexy sleepsuit for our bff..
can't imagine what will say after seeing it =D
well, tday we almost walk the whole midvalley =x
cuz at the first we didn't know what should we buy
then we went for GIORDANO, VINCI and blablabla~
ohyeah! i forgotten that we went to MCKY again lol..
omg.. i feel so sad TT that time i bought the formal shirt for my fren..
it cost over rm100.. and now they have offer.. rm95.60 only =="wth~
actually i feeling like buying it again for my another fren as a bday present
but then i just remembered i have two friends wearing the same shirt d..
if i still buy it for him, there will be 3guys wearing the same shirt + its pink!
feel so gay~~~ ahahhaaa
anyways after shopping i followed azah back home :)
we talked alot of things bout last time and now~
really enjoy it ! ;)
but aftertht i had made a decision.. and everythg changed..
but i know it is a best way for me.. but not for sum1..
hope the sum1 is okay and be happy-go-lucky! :D
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
爱错 - 王力宏 ♥
北风毫不留情 把叶子吹落
我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过
翻开回忆角落 完美的生活
仔细回味当初 那个故事背后
OH 原来是我 犯下从没承认的错
我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过
OH 找不回那些感觉
我从来没想过 我会这样做
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过
我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 请你原谅我的爱错
❤ i'm inlove with this song again ❤
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
PMR holidays
Thursday, October 1, 2009
ECON exam
我不想 放飞机的啦~
TT 真的对不起啊 TT
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
take care of yourself =)
Friday, September 25, 2009
then 'we' and my mum bring my laptop for service (i dropped it*woops*)
next, me mezors accompany my grandma walked to the jusco then we left her there..
afterthat mezors was complain that she is hungry..
at first she decided to eat popeye(sumthing like tht) she say the rice vr nice
but under the rice there's red bean.. *yuck*
so i ask her to go other place.. then she say dunno wad restaurant d..
but i dowan oso lol..
at last we go to the food garden to eat..
this is what mezors bought =="

actually she is the one who buy
then she keep saying 'wan merh' this n tat lah..
'' you wan MONEY or FUN ''
then we meet my grandma there

we go to the restaurant and order first..
so happy.. can eat my favorite japanese cuisine!
we ate 2rounds lol
because my mum suddenly say my dad coming to join us..
that means i don't have to treat them x)

yummy yummy ^^
planing to go back home..
suddenly my dad ask me want to buy clothes or not..
then i was like.. hmmmm..
aha! i wanna buy a bag =)
we walked to the shop name ' Charles & Keith '
ehehheh~ bought a bag

okay.. walk back to the car park..
on the way to the car park..
there're a GUESS shop =D
my dad saw a bag he say very nice..
ask me wan onot..
then we all go in and look at it..
hmm.. not bad not bad..
can use it as a casual bag too =]
it cost rm490++ i think
my dad ask the sales girl to take a new 1
and he BOUGHT IT!
omg @@
what happened to my dad today lol
suddenly buy 2bags for me without thinking O.O
nvm lar~ daddy should be having a good mood today =D

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hari Raya
were bored in the car.. took some pics lol..
one of the pictures (edited)
woke up at 7sumthing am.. went for jogging again..
went to eat branch at pearlpoint.. yummy =)
see the food xD so tasty hehe
after branch went to bukit tinggi ehhe..
the view so nice ^^
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009

你拒绝他 ,
-the END-
P.S: love you
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
[090909] 我想我会开始很想念你
这感觉太奇异 我抱歉不能说明
一切新鲜 有点冒险
我怀疑 这奇遇只是个恶作剧
我任性 投入你给的恶作剧 你给的恶作剧~
这感觉太奇异 我道歉不能说明
我才发现 你很耀眼
我怀疑 这奇遇只是个恶作剧~
我任性 投入你给的恶作剧~你给的恶作剧~
P.S: love you
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
then we start ordering soups, pizza, main course, and wine~ ^^

they were talking bout those strange things happened in malaysia and uk..
sleepy~went out side for a walk..
then i saw my dad's driver park the car downstairs.. lol
almost 11pm we only go back ><
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
24th AUGUST : Sweet 16 =)
Well, woke up EARLY in the morning cause of MEZORS!!! 6/7sumthing woke me up TT
then before 8am she reached.. so *TIRED*
then my daddy n mummy bring us go eat breakfast..
after we out, jacky called me n say he reach my house.. SWT =="
then asked him to take his breakfast with his daddy first..
no longer.. pau yee reached again zzzzz..
ALL so early reach..
about half hrs later we went back.. i msg jacky then he say his food just served.. lol
after he eat only come..
when reached home, saw my grandma's car.. but not pau yee standing outside waiting..
i was wondering maybe my grandma let her in already..
hmmm... while waiting everyone come.. i play mezors's PSP haha~
but keep lose cuz of jacky n pau yee!! argh =="
about 9sumthin yip seng reached!
omg.. he grew TALL AGAIN!! aaaaaaaa~~~ im getting shorter n shorter.. TT
about 11sumthing.. jia qi n azah reached d..
then we keep our stuff n get ready to swim! xD
we go there by car @@ sumore the car actuali just can fit 5ppl..
but we could fit 8ppl inside LOL~ cool right?
after reaching.. julian reached there too..
then we walk to the swimming pool~
wow! its so sunny @@
before swim we put lots of sunblock LOL~
aftertht.. jacky took a tshirt in a cube shape..
he say if the tshirt cube throw in water the cube will bcome a normal tshirt..
we all is like 'wow'.. then i threw into the swimming pool..
we waited for so long.. but there's nothing =="
everybody is like 'dot dot dot'
then i ask them go down n take it back to pull it bcome a shirt..
but noone wants to get wet @@
that time i was like so dead.. everyone wants to push me into the pool ><
i surrender.. i jump in by myself lol~
then i pulled pauyee in.. haha!
aftertht jia qi pulled by julian
and he pulled by mezors..
then yip seng's turn! xD
really have lots of fun.. we played water balloon too xD
i kena throwed by everyone! T___T
after swimming mezors eat somthing at the cafe..
while waiting we play the snooker.. so funny
cuz noone knows how to play..
julian went back cant teach us..
yip seng forget how to play LOL
then we simply play..
10mins ltr yip remembered.. then he tought us..
now every1 noe how to play! teehee~
about 1pm we went back.. wen yi they all also reached my home..
the first thing i went back is to bath @@
have to entertain them >< so busy
after eating.. doraemon went back TT so fast*
others start getting ready to go 'Vegas' xD
about 3sumthing.. 'gray' reached my dad office lol
then i ask my grandma fetch me there to pick him up..
he wore so formal.. hahaa
but the most important thing is he give ppl ' tong shui yu'
from puchong to tmn bkt desa rm30 so kesian!
back home~~
everybody is busying make over lol~
im the last 1 to bath T_____T
then me n pau yee choose clothes for each other lol
about 5sumthing we go out...
15minutes ltr we reached 'Vegas'
SO COLD!! luckily julian brought his jacket xD
walked to the room~
saw suet ee they all start singing d..
then the first thing julian n yip seng do is play snooker.. LOL
mezors and 'grey' they all chiong k..
i helped them choose lots of songs xD
*abit bu shuang grey ==" *
because of some reason.. stupid one
we play until 11sumthing then have to back home TT
the first thing i reached home is to clean the hse @@
so messy! then asked julian n grey eat the biscuit tht left in the box
LOL! so pity @@
getting later n late everyone went back..
left lee jia, pau yee n grey
lee jia was playin grey's hp
me n pau yee talking n grey too
about 12sumthing lee jia also went back ><
pau yee stayed overnight so i dont have to worry her
but grey no transport back..
we kip help him think the way how he back home..
think think think~~~~~~~~
1.30am++ stil cant find any transport for him
we was freak'n TIRED!
then we kip scolding her..
if u noe how to drive, u wont be having problem wif the transport!
then asked her to stay overnight =="
FINALLY settled all.. then brush teeth n SLEEP! zZz
next day morning woke up at 8sumthin @@
dunno why cant slp longer..
go to my study room play computer..
stupid grey hak sei me =="
tickled my leg.. kns!
then pau yee woke up.. she so blur =="
talk talk talk until 12sumthing fetch grey to the bus stop..
after back home me n pau yee sleep again LOL
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
She supposed to buy birthday card for her dad only..
but then when we pass by all the shops, she cant controlled herself =="
we went to metrojaya/pdi/samuel&kelvin/adidas and others~
after finish window shopping.. we walked to MPH.. there's a MCKY shop nearby there..
OMG!!! we start going in and look this and that..
then we saw a 'formal shirt' nice weiiii~
but it worth ..... exspensive nia @@
i was planning to buy it as a birthday gift for my fren(A)..
but it suits my fren(B).. therefore i was thinking and thinking and thinking~~
then we see the sizes.. just left L and XL.. omg! too big weii..
we have no choice.. at last we leave the shop..
after buying her dad's birthday card..
we walked to MCKY again..
this time.. we ask the sales man(not over 21yrs old) to try it for us..
he was like 'huh????'
we were laughing all the way.. then he wore it..
WOW~ he's so skinny but L for him is not to small or big.. just nice..
then we were like.. 'uhhh.. my fren fatter than him abit lerh, XL mayb can fits him'
finally i bought it! i went to atm to take money.. aaaaaaaa~~~ no money d~~ T.T
me n my fren so sad TT rather buy the shirts for our frens than buy things for ourselves..
sumore the things we wanted it is like cheaper than the shirt A LOT!!!!
after buying it..
she follow me back to my hse..
we tried it haha~ so nice .. feeling like change the size to S and wear ourselves lol~
i took a pic of it.. check it out:

he like pink @@ so i choosed this colour for him..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
because it was a REPORT CARD DAY.. lol
actually should be a nervous day for students
BUT not me xD~
bcoz i'd improved lol~
Anyways.. I really nothing to say bout my mom..
she's really a '迟到大王' .. she promised me tht she'll be arrive at 9.30++
but ytday she arrived at 10.15++
omg~ alomost late for 1.30hrs.. @@
aftertht, we took the no.15 while tht time stil at no.9/10
omg..... we waited for so long man..
the teacher almost talk to the parents for half an hour..
but the most funny thing is.. our class student's parents talk the most
yet our class teacher just listen to them.. LMAO~
tik tok tik tok ~~~
tik tok tik tok~~~
tik tok tik tok ~~~
tik tok tik tok~~~
the first thing i said to teacher is i IMPROVED already..
bcoz i donwanna waste time.. i want to EAT !! ><
then my teacher keep asking my mom buy more workbook for me to do..
then i say 'no time lar teacher.. everyday tuition"
she replied 'weekends do lor'
i said 'weekends oso have tuition la... too busy'
suddenly she have nothing to say.. hahaha~~
Next, she say come to school more often.. bcoz she have to explain to the headmaster..
and blablabla~~
i straightly tell her "i no go to school almost for 20++days but i stil IMPROVED~" =D
she SPEECHLESS again~ hehe..
*then she stare at my mom for awhile* and tell my mom that we can go home d..
SO HAPPY at the moment lol~
althought we wasted quite long time during the ''chatting''
but not as long as other parents =X
Anyways, good luck for those who haven't take their report card =)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
so fast... aikss~~
Anyways.. today my sc teacher get mad =X then sivik teacher.. and now
most of my class teacher get mad..
Here's the list >.<
Maths - she no strenght to scold us anymore, now she just teach infront, while finish just ask us to copy~
English - my english teacher give up for a long time ago.. He has nothing to say about my class..
Chinese - Same as what I said, now she wanted to change class
Sivik - After we pass up all our project, we'll no need to take sivik anymore. Just do our own things
Science - My science teacher is my class teache too.. She cant give up on us therefore now she same as maths teacher.. Just teach infront and those who dont want to listen just get out from the class
Economy - Economy teacher din't teach us for last few days.. She told us that she's not going to teach us until we really want to study and focus on what she say while teaching.
Account - Omg our accounts.. NOBODY wants to listen to her but she stil teach us and never give up on us.. But then yesterday she finally scolded us.. lol~
Art - Arts? still okay lar.. Just that the guys not co-orperate with her.. While the 9th period lots of people just go out from the class.. @@
Sejarah - Sejarah?!! No need to say lar... Who likes sejarah?? NOONE in my class~
Moral - Erm.. let see~ my moral teacher just care abt the moral project.. If we passed up everything i think she will be the next teacher who wants to give up on us~
Well you can see my class is really "TERUK" among all the P classes..
Everyday go to school just study for few period only.. Others nobody wants to listen ==""
Ohyeah~ forget to tell something..
About the sivik project........
We din't finish it.. And yet today is the last day..
Then the sivik teacher ask us explain why?
one of the girl explained..
Then she asked the teacher to give us few more days to do..
Somore need four days.. what the hell?
fine~ just forget it.. After we go back to our own sits..
me n my three friends said that we print all the things out..
BUT got a girl.... she's angry cuz we do all the things and they have ntg to do..
( &^%$#@#$%!)
ehh now we help u all do still need to let u scold.. wtf man.. ==
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Suddenly go incharge of my blog.. lol~
Anyways.. Tday was a wonderful day for our class! WHY??
Because we had made two teacher mad within 1.45hrs.. nice rite? lol
One of the teacher so called 'girrafe' (chinese teacher), she was out of control..
She hit a guy with the books cuz of he said '老师,我没有来' ...
What's her prob man.. Aftertht, she scold us by using '暗语'..
Then, she give us back our book.. and ask us pass up '剪报' 2mr..
While i flip the book.. The last hw tht we do, din't mark.. WTH?
Next, is our maths teacher (lou kim poh) .. I quite pity her but then she's not realy good in teach'n maths *no offence*..
Back to the topic > We made her mad because the whole class didn't listen to her..
Some of the ppl were slp'n , talk'n, read'n story books BUT NOT listen'n to her while she's teaching
Anyways~ there's a log for my class go check it out ^^
Thanks for reading xD