omg 2day so tired TT
yesterday went to take dinner with my dad's frens, Uncle Paul & Uncle Bee
Uncle Paul treat us eat western food xD
after tuition around 7.30pm, we go to the restaurant..
pity uncle paul.. cuz the taxi driver drop him off at BB Plaza..
The restaurant is at KL Plaza tho.. lol~
sumore he gave the taxi driver rm20 for tips @@
He had no choice.. therefore he had to walk to the restaurant
8.30pm.. he and his fren reached the restaurant
then we start ordering soups, pizza, main course, and wine~ ^^
after eating~ dad and his frens talking.. and SMOKE! =S

they were talking bout those strange things happened in malaysia and uk..
sleepy~went out side for a walk..
then i saw my dad's driver park the car downstairs.. lol
almost 11pm we only go back ><
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