well.. this morning mezors reached my house at 11am++
then 'we' and my mum bring my laptop for service (i dropped it*woops*)
next, me mezors accompany my grandma walked to the jusco then we left her there..
then 'we' and my mum bring my laptop for service (i dropped it*woops*)
next, me mezors accompany my grandma walked to the jusco then we left her there..
afterthat mezors was complain that she is hungry..
at first she decided to eat popeye(sumthing like tht) she say the rice vr nice
but under the rice there's red bean.. *yuck*
so i ask her to go other place.. then she say dunno wad restaurant d..
but i dowan oso lol..
at last we go to the food garden to eat..
hmmm.. we were thinking and walking around the food garden for like 10mins? Oo
then i decided to eat teriyaki chicken bento and mezors order her roasted chicken+bbq chicken rice =D
actually we should watch The Final Destination 4 in 3D
midvalley cinema is full @@
no choice.. we have to watch the normal 1..
2.35pm only starts the movie..
we went down to the borders..
we were so bored and look around
then we bought some drinks at the Starbucks!
2.10pm~ we walked to the cinema =D
was exciting to watch tht movie haha..
but after we had the starbuck's drinks
we feel like vomiting =0="
(now we think of the chocolate & caramel we feel unwell =S)
~tik tok tik tok~
the movie starts!
aha! i'm kinda afraid to see the organs squeeze out @@
but when i see the organs on the floor with those blood
i feel funny lol..
the whole cinema only me n mezors laugh the most hahaha~
after the movie, mezors loose her shoe lases lol..
those who watched final destination b4 u should noe wad i mean aha
there's few guy at the back of us warn mezors to becareful..
anyways, that was a good movie haha
hmmm.. we stil got lots of time..
we go to the TOYSRUS!
because mezors wanted to buy her gun ==
hmm well! i saw the doodolls!!!
SO CUTE weiiiiiiii
see i aranged it xD
this is what mezors bought =="

actually she is the one who buy
then she keep saying 'wan merh' this n tat lah..
gek sei me == even huixin sms with her oso ask
'' you wan MONEY or FUN ''
'' you wan MONEY or FUN ''
she replied '' FUN ''
at last she buy ==
do you see a small gun there?
that's mine ==
mezors made me buy that
wanna noe why?
the reason is so stupid ==
[ bcuz 1 person play NO FUN la! ACC me la~~ buy la buy la~]
after all, we went to McD
then we meet my grandma there
then we meet my grandma there
me n mezors saw the coca-cola cup!
it's FREAK'n nice weii TT
i wanted to buy it
but have to order a large mcValue only FREE the cup==
wth........ later i stil have to eat my sushi lar!
fine~ *die hearted* lol

we go to the restaurant and order first..
so happy.. can eat my favorite japanese cuisine!
we ate 2rounds lol
because my mum suddenly say my dad coming to join us..
that means i don't have to treat them x)

yummy yummy ^^
planing to go back home..
suddenly my dad ask me want to buy clothes or not..
then i was like.. hmmmm..
aha! i wanna buy a bag =)
we walked to the shop name ' Charles & Keith '
ehehheh~ bought a bag

okay.. walk back to the car park..
on the way to the car park..
there're a GUESS shop =D
my dad saw a bag he say very nice..
ask me wan onot..
then we all go in and look at it..
hmm.. not bad not bad..
can use it as a casual bag too =]
it cost rm490++ i think
my dad ask the sales girl to take a new 1
and he BOUGHT IT!
omg @@
what happened to my dad today lol
suddenly buy 2bags for me without thinking O.O
nvm lar~ daddy should be having a good mood today =D
*too bad there's no gucci at midvalley >< if not i can ask daddy buy me tht hehehe*
me and mezors bought toy guns
hmm those two bags
-that's all-


and now is 25th sept in the morning @@
gotta sleep for now.
tmr have to go for tuition from
so suck rite ==
alright.. NITEE everyone =)
sweet dreams
P.S: love you
hope you having fun in PD =]
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